I am working on the CESL Today!!! Please e-mail me what you think is your best work for the semester. Also, please e-mail me any photos that you have taken this semester. I ask that you do this by DEC 1st!!!! The sooner you send me things the better. would like to have this done for your classmates that will be returning home this semester.
We all have something in our lives that remind us of happy memories. There are many things that I enjoy for that reason, one of those being puns. Puns are jokes that are made by playing with words. An example is “To write with a broken pencil is pointless.” These kind of really bad jokes remind me of my Grandpa! Whenever I hear one I think of him. What kinds of things are precious to you?
Due 12/1 20 Sentences. This is your last blogger assignment. Aren't you sad?? I am. >_<
15 years ago
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